CKGS for VISA | OCI | RENUNCIATION to INDIA - for US resident | How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website? OR How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website as the site was not working whilst I was uploading documents? OR How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website as I had to temporarily disconnect whilst I was uploading?

CKGS for VISA | OCI | RENUNCIATION to INDIA - for US resident |   How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website? OR How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website as the site was not working whilst I was uploading documents? OR How do I upload the pending documents on the Government of India website as I had to temporarily disconnect whilst I was uploading?

To upload the pending documents on Government website follow the steps.
  1. a. Getting the Web Reference Number from the Government website:
    While filling the Online OCI application form on the Government website, , at the end of the application, you will get a NEW WEB REFERENCE NUMBER. You must note down this ID to continue filling your application in case you get disconnected or if you wish to continue filling your form later.

  2. b. Completing upload of required documents on the Government website
    On the Government website, click on OCI Document Upload/ Re-upload to continue with uploading the pending documents:

  3. c. Completing the Partial Form Filling
    On the next page, to continue with the application, you will be required to fill in the Web Reference Number noted from Step A:

  4. d. Select the Document to be uploaded
    Select the document to be uploaded:

  5. e. Select the Document to be uploaded
    Search for the document to be uploaded: and click Upload:

  6. f. Upload all the documents and complete the process


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